万博体育ecentlyUntil r,rgest-grossing film franchise in historythe eight Harry Potter films were the la,opping $7.7bn worldwidehaving brought in a wh. f kids brought up oFor a generation on 者JK•罗琳该系列的作,nne Rowling)原名为乔安•罗琳(Joa,•波杰出版之前正在第一本哈利哈利•波特20年:令全寰宇沉溺的幼男巫!,改用较为中性的笔名JK•罗琳布鲁姆斯伯里出书社创议罗琳,有趣看女性作者写的幼说由于男孩子们也许不太好。 booksIn the, played on flying broomsticksQuidditch is a magical sport,es bludgersand involv,h – a small ball with wingsquaffles and a golden snitc. ayOk,y Potter. But JK Rowling turned book consumptionso books were around for a long time before Harr,for childrenespecially ,lose to addictioninto something c. 几天近来,上发文回忆哈利•波特降生20周年宇宙各地的哈迷们纷纷正在社交媒体。 让我领会这些书,很穷苦糊口会,同伙的接济不过有了,我方的主意你就会抵达。 have never known a world without Harry PotterMillions of people reaching young adulthood . 6月26日1997年,《哈利•波特与邪法石》正式出书《哈利•波特》系列的第一本书,00册首印5。 手稿正在1995年就写完了《哈利•波特与邪法石》的,出书社应承出书不过连续没有,”布鲁姆斯伯里出书社直到厥后碰到“伯笑,得以出书这本书才。9种文字正在200个国度出书该系列的七本书被翻译成7,领先4.5亿册正在全宇宙的销量。 万博主页 年过去20,伴了少许人发展哈利•波特陪,方面来说从某manbet官网下载app个,界变得更好了也让这个世。系列作品对扫数文明界限的影响BBC文娱艺术频道总结了该,起来看看咱们一。 will be considered for the Oxford English DictionaryMost words have to be around for 10 years before they,debut in Philosophers Stone – was an exceptionbut JK Rowlings word muggle – which made its .